Claire Zhang (she/her)

Hello! I'm Claire Zhang, an illustrator from China. My work primarily revolves around vibrant colors and adorable little animals. Risograph and screen-printing techniques, known for their unique texture and color overlay effects, have significantly influenced many of my creations. Aiming to share messages of love, kindness, and self-acceptance, I am passionate about crafting heartwarming picture book stories that touch the hearts of children and adults alike. During my time at the Cambridge School of Art, a period marked by extensive exploration and growth, I experimented with various mediums and delved into the professional world of picture book creation. This experience provided me with valuable insights and skills that continue to shape my work today.


Instagram: @clairezhangart


What’s in there?

It's a delightful counting book that takes children on a whimsical journey through various fruits, vegetables, and even a trash can. The book features charming illustrations and playful rhymes that teach numbers and encourage curiosity. Each page reveals an imaginative scene hiding inside the fruit or vegetable, from number 1 to 6.

A Dog’s Tale

A dog sees its shadow as a spiky monster, feeling misunderstood and unloved. When children lovingly approach to pet it, the dog realizes by the calm lake that its 'spikes' are just soft fur, symbolizing a newfound self-acceptance and friendship.

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Bear!

Join Little Bear in a heartwarming adventure as he explores ways to reach the stars. From climbing trees to soaring with balloons, his journey of imagination and determination inspires. Discover how Little Bear learns that with open arms and belief, anyone can be a star in their own special way.