Eli Marreros (she/her)

Hi there, I am Eli, an artist from Peru! An optimist at heart, I create images, stories, songs, objects, and everything that brings joy. 

After working five years in digital design and branding, I decided to study Children’s Book Illustration to reconnect with my passion for telling stories and weave it with my curiosity and love of learning. During the course, I explored the non-fiction format and integrated it with narrative. Born and raised in Peru, I am inspired by cultures of the past and present, as well as the everyday –especially in relation to food!–. I aim to create work that makes learning fun or simply warms the heart. 

I love working by hand and combining it with digital tools to capture the feeling of a project. When I am not drawing, you will find me singing, searching for new recipes, or setting off on one-day adventures. 

Website: www.caneliclavo.com

Instagram: @caneliclavo

Email: hola@caneliclavo.com

Hey Causa!

A non-fiction picturebook about the history, making and sharing of the beloved Peruvian dish Causa.

Yuru & Turu Discover the Moche

Travel 2000 years back in time and meet the Moche culture. Extraodinary potters, farmers and warriors from the north of Peru. 

Who’s coming to the market?

A gentle story about discovering wonder in the everyday with loved ones.