Ellie-anna Nicolas (she/her)

Hi I’m Ellie! I’m an English-Cypriot illustrator who grew up in a small village in Cambridgeshire. 

I did my Illustration BA at the University of Brighton before returning to Cambridge for the MA, which is where I'm currently based. I love music, nature and people-watching, my work is often surreal but rooted in observation. I’m incredibly interested in the humour of anthropomorphic characters and tend to lean towards these in my personal work.

During the MA, I’ve become increasingly interested in ceramics and have found the intuitive sculpture building process feeds into a lot of my illustration ideas.

Website: www.ellieannanicolas.com

Instagram: @eanicolas

Email: ellieannanicolas@icloud.com

Herb’s Garden

Herb’s Garden is about connecting with nature, loosely inspired by my grandad and his love of gardening. 

When I Cross The Sea

In this story, Dog is going on an adventure, will he find what he is looking for?

In The Crowd

There’s a show happening today, did you know? Come along, get in the crowd!