Yuelin Gu (she/her)

Hi everyone, I'm Yuelin, and I'm lucky to have switched to my favourite subject. Studying children's book illustration has surprisingly helped me find something I really love.

I like to explore a variety of materials and styles. I'm not limited to one material, and I'm surprised by the results of collisions between materials. I also enjoy the process of exploration. In addition to the pursuit of painting, the MA programmer has introduced me to a whole system of picture book creation, which is deeply meaningful to me. Most of my inspirations come from nature and people around me, and I am also interested in all kinds of strange things, so I would like to make some nonsensical picture books as well.

Instagram: @yuelinn.illustration

Email: yuelinn1998@gmail.com

I am here, don’t let me go

This is a story about the reappearance of the Lord Howe stick insect after its extinction.


This is a short counting book that uses blocks as an element to show the whimsy of a child.

The GREat chair hunter

This story is about the stone wore away the bear's fur! But it was the worst thing that could happen to the bear. He had to go looking for a chair that would fit him.